Pier to Prom – From a child on a pier on the River Thames considering suicide to a prom on the River Thames displaying their strength and happiness.
This was heavily marketed in 2019. One family said, “We recognized some of these people when they worked for our council. They did even worse to us.”
One of the journalists following this family since 2019 said, “Having witnessed all this, the main stars are the children. This much abuse would confuse their formative years. It is clever how they have each coped. I strongly recommend they make themselves known. There is a big market ahead of them as young role models.”
FamilyB are human beings. It is their right to receive the correct therapy as patients of NHS Oxleas. Bexley Council should have never encouraged them to rely on PersonA living with them.
FamilyB shocked to see PersonA happy
A video of PersonA from before all this was played to FamilyB, who said, “Wow, is that the same person? No wonder you’re fighting so hard to help them.” And, “Up to meeting them, our family had problems, spending every day unhappy. They make all our lives so much more bearable. It’s the only way we can all be happy.” Because of this, we gathered the following information about FamilyB.
Welfare fraud
FamilyB proudly said one of their family is very good on PC’s and had been diagnosed with autism by NHS Oxleas. So, PersonA’s family offered them a career in IT in their family’s business. The response to this gesture was extremely revealing. The head adult from FamilyB appeared worried and said, “No, no, no! They won’t be good for anyone because they cannot do anything.” This was all recorded.
FamilyB incriminates themselves
On 18/04/2021, just 3 days after one of PersonA’s family was arrested, FamilyB aggressively approached PersonA’s family home. This was all videoed. In front of several neighbours and 4 police officers who were called to the scene, giving their names they shouted, “FamilyB on your website is obviously us.” This website details people abusing PersonA and others pretending to have autism for benefits. FamilyB doesn’t know what they are doing is wrong. And before admitting all of this, the identity of FamilyB was only obvious to Bexley Council.
Press packs
With diaries throughout this, PersonA’s family have recorded, documented, and legalised, all communication with staff from this council’s public services. Many years of phone calls, meetings, letters, and emails. There are also witnesses of many people inside this council and its police station talking about this case. Many wanted to find out if their actions led to PersonA committing suicide. Press packs include all this in case files against all perpetrating organisations.
PersonA helping FamilyB
PersonA’s family are the only people who have repeated to everyone, to stop using the fabricated child protection plan to instruct PersonA where they should live. It is their right to choose where they want to live. Although FamilyB has been abusing PersonA, they have done so with the support of Bexley Council.
Now FamilyB know PersonA’s 2018’s child protection plan was falsified, and Bexley Council has formally apologised, this abuse will naturally stop. This was not FamilyB’s fault. They are doing their best to be happy. PersonA helped them through the most difficult time of their lives. PersonA is a kind and selfless human being. Likewise, FamilyB have inadvertently forced all UK local authorities to address mental health with the care and attention needed.
Registered followers of Pier to Prom
PersonA’s family began publishing this abuse in 2017. Just before the pandemic started there were nearly 2.5 million people following events.