Concept test
Concept test

Concept test


This started before COVID-19 and went on through the first lockdown. Its results created AI Auto Politicians.



Testing AI Auto Politicians showed how easy it is to connect people and how change is welcomed when worsening world events directly affect people’s way of life.


    • On 02/12/2019, the concept of AI Auto Politicians was valued $360 trillion. For its infrastructure, how it works and what it can do. A super currency was then created called LFHt (LiFe Harmonised test) and 360 trillion LFHe was issued.
    • On 03/12/2019, the first transaction purchased the entire AI Auto Politicians system for 360 trillion LFHe. The whole amount from this sale was then gifted to all of humanity. 360 trillion LFHe was shared among 8 billion people. This allocated 45 thousand LFHe to each human being.



Test conditions


It was explained to each participant that this was only a general concept test. It used transaction requests of this new currency. Each verified transaction was issued 45 thousand LFHe. There was no other form of money or commitment. This was not an actual vote. Anyone could have participated regardless of their geographical location. As detailed in the results of this test, nobody was disqualified.




This test targeted 4 million people within the network of this project’s funders. It started on 12/12/2019 and was completed on 01/07/2020. It helped educate the problems with central banking systems, whilst optimising the distribution of the solution.


During this test, there were 3,500,557 transaction requests. This averaged 8,766 per day up to 1 week after the first COVID-19 lockdown (30/03/2020). Just 4% of these types of people were from more institutionalised backgrounds. From then this increased to 14,817 transaction requests per day. 15% of these types of people were from more institutionalised backgrounds. From 8 days after the murder of George Floyd (02/06/2020), transaction requests significantly increased to 56,385 per day, with almost 30% from the more institutionalised backgrounds.




If this test continued, by 2022 95 million more people would have verified transactions. Making them the owners of 4.275 trillion LFHe. More governments would have started to take this seriously. By the end of 2025, more than 300 million people would have owned 13.5 trillion LFHe.