Political manifesto
Political manifesto

Political manifesto


Political parties are winning power by offering the many benefits of all-inclusive political-economic systems. Existing governments are offering the public vote to make this happen.



Having a far better life. More money, better health, and career prospects. Greater public safety and highest-quality public services. This is what most people will vote for. Political parties are rapidly aligning with this. Governments are forecast to start empowering their democracies after 2 years. After 1 billion people have already empowered their democracies. It is distributing over 45 trillion of this new super currency.


Greater political careers


Improving how to make new laws through to policing and judging them. Institutions rapidly evolving with so much more trade and extra public funds. Making many greater political careers. Whoever wins power will be making huge commitments to change. Some examples:


    • Economic systems will constantly evolve. Optimising industry targets.
    • Having everything constantly checked independently. Everything done in public roles will be made public. Impossible for corrupt politicians to remain in power.


Instead of having to wait several years for a general election, imagine the change in everyone’s way of life with politicians accountable to the public all of the time,